These Terms and Conditions establish the relationship between Care & Concern (C&C) and international students, outlining the professional services provided and the responsibilities of both parties regarding higher education abroad. These terms are legally binding according to the laws of your home country and the destination country. Please review these terms carefully, seek clarification if needed, and provide us with a signed copy along with your application and documents.
1. Conduct and Behaviour
• I commit to treating Care & Concern's (C&C) staff with politeness, courtesy, and honesty. I will abide by all applicable laws and adhere to the terms and conditions of our agreement.
• I understand that any form of verbal, physical, or other improper conduct towards C&C staff may result in the withdrawal of their services at their discretion.
2. Use of Property and Resources
• I agree not to damage or misuse the intellectual and physical property belonging to Care & Concern's (C&C). I will not use their assets or resources for personal or commercial interests.
3. Reputation and Complaints
• I will not engage in activities that defame the name of Care & Concern's (C&C) or harm their brand reputation. In case of complaints, I will first notify them to seek resolution.
4. Accuracy of Information and Documents
• I pledge to provide Care & Concern's (C&C) with genuine information and authentic documents. I will not withhold information or submit misleading data. I acknowledge that any false information or documents provided are my responsibility and may have consequences. I consent to the use of this information by Care & Concern's (C&C) for admission and related purposes.
5. Admission Services
• If I choose to utilize Care & Concern's (C&C) services for admission at a specific educational institute, I will not submit another application directly or appoint another agent to do so for the same institute in the same academic year. I must notify Care & Concern's (C&C) in writing if I decide to withdraw from their services.
6. Application Processing
• I agree to allow Care & Concern's (C&C) sufficient time to process my application, collect offers, and issue Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS). I will not make unreasonable demands or engage in unlawful requests.
7. Attendance
• If I enroll in an educational institute represented by Care & Concern's (C&C), I commit to attending at least 85% of the total classes held.
8. Contact Information
• I will promptly update my contact details with my education provider and Care & Concern's (C&C) if they change.
9. Academic Compliance
• After enrolment, I will comply with academic regulations and not engage in activities that damage the reputation of the educational institute represented by Care & Concern's (C&C).
10. Immigration and Legal Compliance
• I will immediately notify relevant Immigration Authorities of any changes in my circumstances while studying abroad.
• I commit to not violating the terms and conditions of my stay abroad as an international student and will adhere to the laws of the host country. I also agree not to harm the country's education standards or reputation in any manner.
I have read and fully understood the meaning of all the above terms and conditions. I declare my complete and unconditional compliance with these terms.
Applicant Information
• Full Name: • Date of Birth: • Signature: • Country & Location: • Email: • Date:
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